Colossians 4:2 Says: Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.
Am I changing to be devoted more and more to living in his presence? Actually, I am trying to be more grateful, and I sense his presence speaking truth into my life more and more, and when I get disappointed I try to remember his plan. But I am finding it difficult to converse with him openly all the time. I think it is just going to take practice. Yet I want to keep trying. I want to keep the lines of communication open at all times and hear him, even when I don't ask.
I have a friend who lost her husband to cancer at Christmastime several years ago. She was left alone without her lifetime mate. She had to spend so much time with Christ just to survive. So she did. And the results have so inspired me to want that kind of relationship with him. She hears God speak to her regularly. I mean really hear him. In fact, sometimes he tells her to do something or speak his words to someone, and she doesn't want to do it, so she argues with him! Not in a disobedient kind of way, but more like a Jonah or Moses kind of way. Yet God always wins.
I want that kind of faith; that kind of ears to hear. I want to be so in love with him that I hear him all the time.
My sister practices this also. She even asks for good parking places at the mall. In her quiet time, she gets on her knees and has a conversation. I am trying to do that. I try to listen and not just talk. Often, I do hear from him. It is great. But I want to hear from him all the time. I want to be quiet in my heart, not so full of thoughts and noise in my head that I can't listen. So that is my goal. To have an open heart, live in obedience, and hear his voice. But it is still and small. So right now, he would usually need to shout to get an audience with me. But I don't want to have to have a tragedy to get to that place. So I need to practice being quiet in my spirit, and doing everything to his glory.
Thank you for reading and joining me in this journey. I hope we get there together.
Remember to check out our new book, The 12 Days of Christmas at
It makes a great Christmas gift, since it doesn't start until the day after Christmas!!
May you have joy in the journey!!
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