Today's scripture is again from Colossians. I think God has me there because Paul was forever practicing the grateful contentment that God is hammering at my heart. And Paul lived in the presence of God. If he didnt, he couldn't have been content like he was.
Col. 2:6 says:
So then just as you have recieved Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught and overflowing with thankfulness.
How do we practically do this? How did Paul do it? We need to get in the habit of living in his presence. Everything we have should remind us of God's goodness to us. And we have so much. I used to wonder how people who have so little could be so happy. Then I realized several things:
It is not stuff that makes you happy. In fact, it makes you miserable sometimes. I have a friend who says, "the price of ownership is maintenance." I often feel chained to my house because I have so much to care for.
They have more space in their lives for God. They haven't filled up all the empty spaces as a tribute to self. There is more time for him, too.
They have to depend on him for everything. He is their only source, so they have to be intimately involved with him.
I have decided to put little reminders all over my life to keep me looking up and dependent on him. One of the ways I am going to do this is to take the old baby cradle and put it up by the Christmas tree. I am going to fill it with quilts that I am making for the Crisis Pregnancy Center this season. I am doing this to remind myself and my family what He gave up to come to me. He gave up the comforts of heaven and the indescribable communion with his Father to be with us. He came as a poor baby, not a rich king as he deserved. So as my reminder of his gift, I want to bless others. This way I will use up some of the fabric stash I have horded, and bless others that have much less than I.
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