Sunday, December 6, 2009

December sixth, the real one

I have chosen to do this post in a new format, and hopefully it will work for you! Our scripture today is also taken from Colossians. I think we will be here for another few days. Not sure where God will go, but I am happy here.
Col. 3:1-2
1Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. 2Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.

Do you know what it mean to be raised with Christ? I hear it often quoted in Baptism services, Risen with Christ in baptism, raised to walk in newness of life. Do we live in that newness of life, once the freshness has worn off?
What are some ways we can set our minds on the things above? I want to say this again: Daily time with him and focusing on walking with him all the time is so important to this. I find that I worship other things when I focus on them more than him. Maybe that is what being double minded is all about for me.
What can you change so you do not focus so much on earthly things?

One day very soon, Get up early and watch a sunrise. If you live near the ocean on the east coast, drive to the beach in the dark and watch it from the beach. Take along some hot cocoa, coffee or tea, and as you watch and sip, discuss what kind of mind thought all this up and created all we know. Then think about the fact that he humbled himself and became one of us! Only he could have devised such a plan. Can you imagine him saying, “hey! I think I will leave all this and become one of them. Then they will KNOW how much I love them!” Then, if you are able, get some breakfast together. Continue the discussion about God creating all the varieties of food for us. Give thanks and enjoy the bounty.
The Sunday after Thanksgiving, I had to take my daughter to the airport to fly back to Sacremento, where she is currently living. Her flight was at 6:30, so we had to be there by 5:15. Two of my other children wanted to see her off, so my 9 year old daughter and my 13 year old son accompanied us. After we dropped her off, we saw that the sun was beginning to rise, and we were only about 10 min. from the beach, so we drove there and watched the sun come up. What an amazing experience and as we discussed how busy God had been with his paintbrush that beautiful morning, we had a sense of awe that God made all that, just for us to enjoy. We also looked at all the condos and huge houses and marveled that most of the people inside missed that beautiful sight, and missed out on the Love of God because they do not acknowledge him in their lives. How sad and how glorious; we have the responsibility and privilege to share him with the world. How will we do that today? and how will you live contented in him? I am realizing that one sunrise with the king of kings is more valuable than any painting, jewelry, or anything I own. And I look forward to spending another with him very soon.
Don't forget to check out our book: The 12 Days of Christmas for a great way to refocus into the new year. Visit for more info. Also my personal blog, www.damazingmama/ has great recipes, info, and what God is teaching us in our homeschool journey.

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